It appears, there is no shortage of thieves, scammers, and low life’s who want to piggy back off of others work, expecting to steal your money. The only way to put them out of business is to Starve Them. Meaning, do not fall for their tricks. Do not click on anything in a comment. Do not copy any IP Address to paste onto your browser. It amazes me; thieves spend so much effort and talent stealing from others when they could easily put their talent to legitimate actions, legal actions. I guess they are in it for the thrill as well as the money. Food for thought; if they piggy back off of another’s website, what makes you think their product will actually be quality or will they just steal your money and or Identity. Do not take that gamble. Only click of links within the body of the posts and never in the comment section.

Another peculiarity is a ton of these scammers are peddling Pharmaceuticals. Why would a natural healing website offer drugs?? DUH! There is one big clue!

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In my website, I will not offer loans either. Do not fall for these tricks!

Sincerely, with all good wishes for peace profound,


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Categories: General

Safe Health Pro

While growing up as a healthy child, I never worried much about what I ate. As I grew, however, things changed, and when I became my late wife, Vonnie's, caregiver for over eleven years while she battled cancer we had time for little else but fast food and my health deteriorated. Friends and relatives told me to take care of myself but there was little time for that when so many things needed to be done. After Vonnie passed away I began to look at improving my health and have discovered many things which help me and maybe could have helped Vonnie as well. Now my goal is to share with enough other people to make a difference in others quality of life. Something Vonnie and I knew little of. If she was feeling good and we ventured out to enjoy ourselves, she would break a bone and 8 more weeks of misery and it took her a long time to heal. So with this blog and website, I wish to share some useful information about becoming healthier and increasing the quality of your lives.


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