Natural Cure for Gallstones

The gallbladder is a small muscular organ that produces bile, a greenish substance used by the body to help process cholesterol.  When there is an imbalance of cholesterol or other substances in the gallbladder, small crystals are formed.

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As the crystals multiply, a snowball effect occurs, causing the development of what is known as a gallstone.  As these stones move about the gallbladder sometimes they get stuck in the bile ducts or the neck of the gallbladder.

When the gallbladder becomes active during and after a meal, its actions put pressure on the stones, causing pain and other symptoms such as back pain, nausea or vomiting, bloating, indigestion, chills and clay-colored stools.

In severe cases where the symptoms are recurring, your doctor might recommend surgery to remove the gallbladder.  The body can function without this organ since the liver can compensate by delivering bile directly to the small intestine.  There are certain dietary changes that need to be made to accommodate the fact that the body can no longer store a reserve of bile as it could with a gallbladder.

If you are facing gallbladder surgery, there are other less invasive methods that can be used to help clear your stones and reduce the chances of gallbladder attacks.  For the best chances of healing your gallbladder naturally, you should consider making some dietary and lifestyle changes.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

One of the causes of gallbladder problems is frequent, rapid changes in weight.  If your weight fluctuates more than one to two pounds in a week, you could be putting a strain on your gallbladder.

The healthiest thing you can do if you are overweight is to evaluate your current diet and work to replace the high-fat foods you are eating with high fiber foods like fresh fruits and vegetables.  Stay away from fad diets and quick weight loss plans as dropping too much weight too quickly will only exacerbate your symptoms.

Dietary Changes

Even if you are a stable, healthy weight, you may need to adjust the food that you are eating to promote a healthier liver and gallbladder.  Because the main contributor to most gallstones is an excess of cholesterol in the body, you should focus on a low-fat, low-cholesterol eating plan.

Avoid foods high in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats. Overindulgence in fatty foods causes a pulsation in the gallbladder that may compress on your stones causing you pain. Eating high fiber foods will help your body to eliminate any extra cholesterol.

Dairy products are acceptable in moderation, as long as you choose the low-fat versions.  Your protein should include lean chicken, fish, eggs, legumes, and limited amounts of red meat.

For more information on the best diet to help cure gallstones, read Gallstones Natural Solution, written by David Smith.  Smith is a natural health researcher who cured his own gallstones using diet and natural remedies.  In this e-book he shares with you 14 healthy diet secrets that will immediately put a stop to your gallstone problems.

Increase Physical Activity

It has been found that people who are more active are less likely to have gallstone issues. Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is also helpful for maintaining a healthy weight. You should try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes at a time, a minimum of three times a week.

Because the pain from a gallbladder attack is usually caused by a stone lodged in a duct, vigorous exercise can sometimes dislodge the stone, alleviating the pain.  The book, Gallstones Natural Solution, includes exercises that can cleanse your gallbladder and help you to pass stones.  Smith also shares his six golden rules of making exercise fun.

Home Remedies

There are additional home remedies that can enhance the effects of your dietary changes.  Try drinking lemon juice or apple cider vinegar diluted with water at the onset of gallbladder pain.  This increases the alkalinity of your body and reduces the production of cholesterol in your liver.

Because gallstones are made up of this cholesterol, this helps to aid recovery.  Other drinks that may help to reduce symptoms include caffeinated coffee and wine.  Drinking one to three cups of coffee and other caffeinated products can help to prevent the development of gallstones.  If you drink a glass of wine at the onset of gallstone pain, you should get some relief within twenty minutes.


While surgery is sometimes necessary to treat gallbladder issues, there are a number of non-invasive treatments you should consider.  Simple dietary and lifestyle changes supported with home remedies may relieve your symptom and eliminate the need for surgery. The wisest thing to do is start now, before you develop Gallstones. Prevention saves money and unnecessary pain.

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Safe Health Pro

While growing up as a healthy child, I never worried much about what I ate. As I grew, however, things changed, and when I became my late wife, Vonnie's, caregiver for over eleven years while she battled cancer we had time for little else but fast food and my health deteriorated. Friends and relatives told me to take care of myself but there was little time for that when so many things needed to be done. After Vonnie passed away I began to look at improving my health and have discovered many things which help me and maybe could have helped Vonnie as well. Now my goal is to share with enough other people to make a difference in others quality of life. Something Vonnie and I knew little of. If she was feeling good and we ventured out to enjoy ourselves, she would break a bone and 8 more weeks of misery and it took her a long time to heal. So with this blog and website, I wish to share some useful information about becoming healthier and increasing the quality of your lives.


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